We believe wholeheartedly in the value of group therapy. What is group therapy? It is an experience in which people choose a group for its topic or focus based on an issue they want to work on. Then an experienced facilitator leads a discussion on that topic in a way that helps people gain skills, learn about issues, work on their individual challenges, and transform problems into solutions. This is done with the help of the group process, not just the therapist. It is really a wonderful experience, especially when dealing with issues that carry some element of shame to them. These therapy groups are not drop-in; part of their power comes in committing to the same group of people to work on similar issues for the duration of the group. We hope you’ll check out the groups we have now forming, and consider this powerful experience for yourself to bring a different kind of lasting change.
Current Groups:
Grief Group
Grief can often leave us feeling alone and helpless. If you have lost a loved one and are seeking help in coping, join us for an 8-week
therapeutic support group. In this 50-minute, weekly group, we will:
• Provide supportive space for participants to process their grief
• Discuss the stages of grief and coping with each stage
• Learn skills for managing these overwhelming yet normal feelings.
To enroll: speak with your TLG therapist or ask at the front desk. Or,
simply call our intake line at 857-273-2124.
Starting September 17th
Mondays @5:30pm